Welcome to the North Shore Tying Company, If you are interested in having flies tied please visit the "Flies" pages on the right side of the screen. Due to the massive amounts of fly patterns available today there is a chance that the flies you need may not be listed, if so please contact me and I will do my best to meet your request.

Saturday 29 September 2012


Hello Everyone

Just finished up two more fly orders, and it feels good to be done these, 

I was getting pretty sick of tying muddlers haha, my tying area is destroyed with deer hair clippings........ good thing we just got a new vacuum ha

Total flies is just over 4 dozen, half of those being muddlers.....

Hopefully these flies will get some friends into some nice fish.


Monday 24 September 2012

Tying Flies in Hand

Tonight I decided to try and change things up a bit and take a step into the past

I left the vise alone and tried to tie a fly by using my hand to hold the hook
This was a technique that was used in the past to tie classic salmon flies (it was actually common practice to tie in hand). Now we have so many choices of vises to choose from many of us have never even thought about tying a fly with out one. It is a good exercise and will make you appreciate your vise much much more, So if you have an hour or two to spare I recommend trying it

This is a freestyle salmon fly (Inspired by a buddies flies)

I had to use my phone for the picture because I have lost the camera charger........ I need a new camera


Sunday 23 September 2012

Culture Days - Sault Ste. Marie

Hello Everyone

I have been asked to do so some fly tying demonstrations in this years "Board walk Expressions" as part of Culture Days here in Sault Ste. Marie. It will be on Saturday the 29th of September (next week)

So if your planing of going to the Culture Days please stop by say hello

Here is the link to the website with more information on this awesome event



Saturday Afternoon Fish

Hey Everyone

I was finally able to get away from the vise and go fishing while my wife was at work

It was cold and miserable on the water... which is the way I like it haha. There was quite a few other guys on the water, mostly gear guys with spinning rods and some guys with float rods.

I managed to land one small Pink Salmon, surprisingly this was the first Pink I have ever caught on the spey rod. I hooked about 5 other fish but nothing else to hand. the nice thing about it was that i hooked some fish on a couple new patterns I tied up, they will be posted as soon as I can get the camera set up.

I ended up getting pushed of the water due to a large storm that I saw rolling in from the distance, and I am glad I did cause it was a nasty storm and it would have been bad news to be stuck out there in that weather.

Just a tip, Always, Always be mindful of the weather approaching around you, and get off the water before its two late. Its not worth the risk


Thursday 20 September 2012

Site Setup

Hello everyone,

I am still working hard on setting up the pages and will get pictures taken as soon as I am able.

I will also put a page up with all the directions on how to order flies.

Tonight I will be trying to get some nice pictures of some flies to start posting them.
I just need to get all the lighting set up (I'm no photographer that's for sure)

Hopefully by the week end i will have some pictures up and a post or two

I will not just be posting about flies, i will also post river conditions for the St Marys Rapids ( my home water, 5 min drive from my door.... yes im that lucky) and hopefully some fishing tips and advice that I have learned over the years.


Tuesday 18 September 2012

First Post!

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to the North Shore Tying Company's  brand new blog.

My name is Chris Anema, I am a die hard fly fishing and fly tying junkie and have decided to do something with my addiction.

I am currently in the process of opening this company (still in the development phase) while I work full time in construction. Feel free to read the About Me page to the left if you would like to know more about me and how I came to this wonderful addiction.

I will be posting when ever I have time away from the vise.

That is all for now, I have to get back to work (Currently in the middle of a 16 dozen fly order for a friend)
