Welcome to the North Shore Tying Company, If you are interested in having flies tied please visit the "Flies" pages on the right side of the screen. Due to the massive amounts of fly patterns available today there is a chance that the flies you need may not be listed, if so please contact me and I will do my best to meet your request.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Fly Tying Area

Hello Everyone, 

So I thought I would take some time and post about my fly tying area. I used to tie on a small glass desk ( the one pictured below), this served me pretty well until I started to tie flies commercially, then I needed a much larger space.

There are several things I was looking for when I settled on my new desk:
  • Space - I wanted to have plenty of space to lay materials out in order
  • Height - When tying dozens of flies at a time its really easy to get a sore back and neck
  • Lighting - Lighting is also extremely important, low lighting makes tying intricate flies very difficult and hard on the eyes
  • Location - I wanted to have my tying area in the living room (I can't believe my wife agreed to it) with my tying area in the living room I can easily put on a movie and just tie away. 

I chose an L shaped desk because I like the amount of space it offers and I find it very comfortable to tie on.

On one side of the desk I have a photo box where I take all of my fly pictures, I also set up my tube fly stuff on this side of the desk as well.

I just hung up 3 shadow boxes that I made up last week.

This is the corner of the desk, I have my vise, radio, 2 lamps, tools, head cement, and 2 boxes with beads and some eyes.

Shelf with printer, books, cork board

Here is where I store my material, I used to use to have all my material up on a cork board on the wall, but I found it to be more annoying because it became a pain in the butt to constantly be pinning material back up on the wall. In the future I may look into trying it again with peg board.

My tying companion, although sometimes she gets into the material...... so far only one calf tail and one grizzly hackle cape.........

Hope you enjoyed


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