Welcome to the North Shore Tying Company, If you are interested in having flies tied please visit the "Flies" pages on the right side of the screen. Due to the massive amounts of fly patterns available today there is a chance that the flies you need may not be listed, if so please contact me and I will do my best to meet your request.

Monday 7 January 2013

Lynn Valley River

Lynn Valley River - Brown Trout Haven

There is nothing quite like returning to the waters where you learned to fish. These past holidays my wife and I spent a week in southern Ontario visiting with family. 

We decided to go for a hike along the river in the back yard, where I learned to cast my first rod and release my first fish. 

This river is jam packed with lots of hungry and aggressive browns, its not uncommon to catch 15-25 browns in a couple hours. 

This post is going to be very picture heavy ha..... loving this new camera

Nice deep pool, directly behind my parents house.

Lots of fishy water, with lots of tree cover, I try to forget how many flies and lures I have lost to those wooden thieves.

These browns love to hide in the smallest of eddies.

They are also fond of undercut banks.

Nice little run to swing some streamers through.

Pretty little tail out that always seems to hold fish.

Nice steady run, often over looked because there is not much "visible" structure. its good to fish these low traffic areas.

Nice panoramic shot

This is obvious holding water, never walk past spots like this with out throwing a cast through

Another nice little pool, there is a sunken log which created a very nice sized eddie.

Browns seem to love logs.

Another nice panoramic.

Another gorgeous tail out.

Extremely fishy looking water.

Knock, Knock, anyone home?

Hope you enjoyed this post, not fly tying related, but still keeping it fishy.


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